Take to the high seas as fearless pirate captain Katarina de Leon; known as The Black Kat. Take command of a variety of pirate ships; from the simple gunboat to a massive Man O War. Discover and explore dangerous and fantastic island worlds. Develop Kats swordfighting skills; mastering the dagger; cutlass and saber to defeat evil pirate bands; loot their treasures and seek revenge against the evil Captain Hawk; fulfilling her destiny.
- Meet Katarina de Leon; the Black Kat of the high seas! Katarina de Leon is the proud; athletic daughter of an island governor and his pirate mistress. This fire-haired lass has sailing and swordfighting skills beyond compare and unflinching bravery in the face of extraordinary dangers.
- Epic Sea Battles Command the awesome firepower of 12 exciting pirate vessels from history and legend. Experience the shredding of every sail and awesome impact of every cannonball through your dual shock controller. Customize yo
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