RAGE is a groundbreaking first-person shooter set in the not-too-distant future after the asteroid Apophis impacts Earth. In an effort to save civilization; Arks are constructed and buried deep underground. These cryogenic lifeboats carry humanitys future; preserved with the tools they need to rebuild. But when survivors begin to emerge; they find the unexpected. Many humans who were above ground during the impact unexpectedly survived; while horrific mutants roam the dead cities. And a mysterious tyrannical government; bent on creating a new world order; has begun the search… for you.
- EXPLOSIVE 1ST-PERSON GUNPLAY – Take on bandit gangs; hordes of mutants and the Authority using an arsenal of exotic weapons and gadgets; such as wingsticks; personal turrets; sentry bots; and remote controlled bomb cars.
- INSANE 3RD-PERSON VEHICULAR MAYHEM – Burn rubber across the wasteland in your very own super buggy! Upgrade and customize your car
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