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According to the court, Microsoft has disclosed its own Xbox documents.

As per the recent filing from the FTC v. Microsoft judge on Tuesday, it has been revealed that Microsoft is accountable for the extensive collection of leaked documents. These documents disclosed various details such as the design of a new disc-less Xbox Series X, unannounced games from Bethesda, and executive contemplations regarding the acquisition of Nintendo.

According to Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley’s filing, the court had directed the Federal Trade Commission and Microsoft to furnish a secure cloud link for trial exhibits that complied with the court’s recent orders, with redactions as necessary. On September 14th, Microsoft provided the requested link, and the court proceeded to upload the exhibits from that source, as per Judge Corley’s statement.

The involved parties have informed the court that the exhibits presented contained confidential information, which can be considered an understatement of significant magnitude. Consequently, the court has taken the necessary measures to remove them.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Microsoft have been directed to resubmit the trial exhibits that were previously admitted by September 22nd. Additionally, they are required to confirm to the court that they are in agreement with the uploaded content. Judge Corley has mandated that all parties, including nonparties whose information is included in the admitted trial exhibits, must provide a written certification, duly signed, verifying that they have reviewed the exhibits and that they contain only public information in compliance with the Court’s orders.

On Tuesday, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) attributed responsibility for the leaked documents to Microsoft. The circumstances surrounding this incident are peculiar, as the leaked Xbox documents were found within a seemingly innocuous five-page PDF. It is worth noting that this is not the first instance of inadvertent leaks occurring during this case. In June, confidential information pertaining to PlayStation was disclosed due to redactions made with a Sharpie marker.

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