Includes the original Baldurs Gate: Enhanced Edition and its sequel; Baldurs Gate II: Enhanced Edition; with all DLC and restored quest content; as well as the Baldurs Gate: Siege of Dragonspear expansion; featuring new original content developed by Beamdog to bridge the two games.
Forced to leave your home under mysterious circumstances; you find yourself drawn into a conflict that has the Sword Coast on the brink of war. Soon you discover there are other forces at work; far more sinister than you could ever imagine…
Since its original release in 1998; Baldurs Gate has set the standard for Dungeons & Dragons computer roleplaying games. Customize your hero; recruit a party of brave allies; and explore the Sword Coast in your search for adventure; profit… and the truth.
Running on an upgraded and improved version of the Infinity Engine; Baldurs Gate: Enhanced Edition includes the original Baldurs Gate adventure; the Tales of the
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