The cult Japanese horror franchise returns with new characters, a new setting, and a terrifying new curse. In this standalone adventure, a colorful cast of high schoolers find themselves trapped in an eerie, abandoned hospital connected to an urban legend called “Ayame’s Mercy,” where they must use stealth and cunning to survive a multitude of gruesome ends. Combining the Japanese horror aesthetic that made the original a cult classic with immersive adventure gameplay and an updated presentation, Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion introduces players to a whole new set of horrors that will have them begging for mercy.
- “Ayame’s Mercy” limited edition contains an LED blue candle modeled after in-game save points (2 x AA batteries not included)
- Also includes: 64pg softcover artbook, an ‘evidence kit’ with printed in-game assets, & a lenticular art card, all packed in a metal case resembling a med. kit
- Explore the halls of Amare Est Vivere freely in both first- and third-person, providing new perspectives for players brave enough to take a closer look
- Sensational storytelling with terrifying descriptions combined with smothering binaural audio and spine-tingling Japanese voiceover
- Told across 6 chapters, with 8 additional scenarios & gruesome Wrong Ends, it’s up to you to uncover the horrifying truth behind “Ayame’s Mercy”
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