Cosmic Creeps – Atari 2600


ID: 1002
Class: Licensed
Genre: Action, Shoot-‘Em-Up
Publisher: Telesys
Number of Player(s): 1 Player
Release Date: 1982
Language: English
ESRB Rating: N/A
ESRB Rating Descriptor(s): N/A
Compatible Platform(s): Atari 2600, Atari 7800

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Civilization is doomed… unless you can save the Cosmic Kids. You must get your Orbinaut from the planet up to the space station. Then rescue the Kids before the planet’s orbit decays completely. But watch out! Villainous Space Skeeters and Cosmic Creeps are constantly on the attack. To succeed, you’ll need every ounce of skill and stamina you possess. And succeed you must. The fate of all Kid kind is in your hands.