Gitaroo-Man is a quirky Koei game that centers around U-Ichi; a young boy; who is the last surviving guitar man (what about Ralf Machio). Guitar men are heroes who use their instruments as weapons against evil and young U-Ichi is joined by his dog Puma who can transform into a ghetto blaster. The gameplay follows the usual traditions of the rhythm genre and the success of attacks is base on how well the moves match the music.
- Music; the weapon of choice! Stunning high-quality graphics draws the player deep into a world where music is everything and the beat will set him free
- A new style of musical rhythm game! Keeping with the rhythm; shoot; duck and dodge your way to victory!
- Even for the tone-deaf! The game is geared to all comers to experience the fun of rock; the groove or reggae and other great music types!
- Musical death matches and harmonising team play for up to 4 players.
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