The legendary duo return in Jak II; where Jak has grown into a mature young hero with a cynical attitude and hardened edge. Following the finale of Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy; Jak and Daxter investigate a strange energy portal that propels them 500 years into the future where they find themselves in a foreign city. The city; under siege and ruled by the tyrannical Baron Praxis; is surrounded by a dark wasteland on the brink of destruction with menacing Metal Heads destroying the land.
Upon arriving in the city; Jak is immediately captured by the Barons guards and thrown into prison where he is experimented on with Dark Eco; where even he doesnt realize the full extent of the hazardous substance. But with Daxter assisting in Jaks prison escape; the two begin their quest to find out where they are; what has happened and ultimately seek revenge on the Baron. Along the way; Jak and Daxter will encounter numerous diverse characters greatly impactin
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