The epic story of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker continues as Link finds himself lost and alone in unknown seas in a new adventure. Featuring intuitive touch-screen controls and innovative puzzles; The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass offers new challenges for fans of the series and an easy-to-grasp introduction for gamers new to The Legend of Zelda. But time grows short; and only the Phantom Hourglass can buy Link the minutes hell need to survive.
; Many months have passed since the events of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker; and Link; Tetra and Tetras band of pirates have set sail in search of new lands. They come across a patch of ocean covered in a dense fog; in which they discover an abandoned ship. Tetra falls into danger when she explores the ship alone; and Link falls into the ocean when he attempts to rescue her. When he washes up unconscious on the shores of a mysterious island; he is awakened by the sound of a fairys voice. With the a
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