Near the end of his life; Dr. Light succeeds in creating the first of a new series of robots which will change the world. Able to think and make decisions; this new robot holds great danger as well as great possibilities. Fearful of the possible consequences of unleashing his creation on the world; Dr. Light decides to seal him in a capsule and test his systems until they are totally reliable. The future will have to decide his fate… Released from the capsule by Dr. Cain; X is born into the world of the future where the robot rebellions are a thing of the past. But when Dr. Cain tries to implement Dr. Lights designs into a new series of Reploids; something goes hideously wrong. Now the future lies on the brink of destruction and a new Mega Man must emerge to face Sigma and his forces before the human race is wiped from the planet!
Mega Man X
Genre: Platformer
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Release Date: 12/17/1993
Language: English
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Grade | Vanity Damage, Excellent, Fair, Good, Poor |
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