Within a bright; vibrant; sunny neighbourhood; birds are chirping; dogs are barking and kids are getting ready to play the day away. But this is no ordinary neighbourhood. Within each backyard; intense competitions are underway to see who rules the hood. Up to 4 kids in each yard (in single player or online play) are playing with chemicals; dodging remote controlled cars; playing volleyball and chasing each other through corn fields. With 7 games to play; theres no excuse for not getting outside and hanging with your buddies. Because if youre coming to this street; you better be prepared to play.
- Collection of 10 year old kids as inhabitants of the neighbourhood. Kids will be pre-built and have personalities to match their house and the mini game their house offers.
- Custom characters can be created to match how the player wants himher to look; sound and react to other players.
- Setting of mini-games is the neighbourhood €“ in
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