Following in the tradition of previous games in the Pokémon series; players choose one of three special Pokémon to be their first partner. These are among the first Pokémon players will encounter in the game. In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon; players will be able to choose between the newly discovered Grass- and Flying-type Pokémon Rowlet; Fire-type Litten; and Water-type Popplio.
For a Pokémon Trainer; knowing the Pokémon types and how they match up against one another in battle is vital. Grass-type Pokémon are strong against Water types; but weak against Fire types. Fire-type Pokémon are strong against Grass types and weak against Water types. And Water-type Pokémon are strong against Fire types; but weak against Grass types.
The first of the potential partners is the highly adaptable Grass Quill Pokémon; Rowlet. This Pokémon can fly silently through
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