Set during a tumultuous period of Japanese history; Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes follows players as they fight their way to the dramatic battle of Sekigahara. Players will take up the swords and spears of more than a dozen fierce samurai warriors in huge battles against hundreds of opponents in many exciting stages that lead up to the main event.
Featuring unique playable characters; as well as supporting generals who will make it easier to command and lead armies; players will see the battle from the perspective of each military commander with the ultimate goal of re-writing history to rule all of 16th century Japan.
In the dynamic new Heros Story mode; the players decisions impact history with a redesigned story mode. Based on choices made by the player; new drama unfolds as friends become enemies; enemies become friends; and a new Sengoku story unfolds. Adding a new strategic element to the game; forces can fight for controltaking over of cam
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